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Hate Crime

Hate Crime is when someone does something bad to another person because they are different. It could be because of their race, religion or faith, disability, sexuality or because they are transgender.


Hate Crime


Hate Crime is against the law.


Read an easy read information sheet about Hate Crime here.


Meanings of difficult words:


  • Race – the country where you or your family are from.

  • Religion or Faith – whether you believe in a God or not, how you pray, the religious books you use.

  • Sexuality – who you fancy. Could be someone of the opposite sex or the same sex or both

  • Transgender – people who feel their body isn’t right for them. They may want to change from a man to a woman, or a woman to a man.


Examples of Hate Crime are:


  • Verbal abuse – having bad things said to you day after day.

  • Physical violence – being hit, pushed, spat on or hurt.

  • Vandalism – damage to your property.

  • Stealing – taking things without your permission.


It is important to report hate crimes so that the bad person gets punished and you can get the support you need. Reporting it is the best way to stop it!


Access phone numbers to the police and other organisations

where you can report Hate Crime here.


If you are worried about making a report:
Please contact the CLASP Office on tel: 0118 228 1801 and we can help you.


Mate Crime


Mate Crime is different to Hate Crime.


Mate Crime is when someone pretends to be your friend so they can take advantage of you but really they aren’t your friend at all.


Read an easy read information sheet about Mate Crime here.


Examples of Mate Crime are:


  • Your “friend” borrows your money and doesn’t pay it back.

  • Your “friend” uses up all the credit on your phone.

  • Your “friend” invites people round to your house when you don’t want them to.

  • Your “friend” takes your belongings.


If you are a victim of Mate Crime:

Tell someone you trust, like a family member or Support Worker.
Or you can contact the CLASP Office on tel: 0118 228 1801 and we will help you.


Hate Crime Booklet:


CLASP have made an easy-read booklet to explain what Hate Crime is.


See a copy of the booklet here.

Please contact the CLASP Office and we can also send some booklets to you in the post.


Victims First Booklet:


Victims First provides free emotional and practical support to all victims and witnesses of crime, as well as family members of victims.

It is available across Berkshire, Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire and can provide help regardless of whether or not the crime has been reported to the police.


They have made an easy-read booklet to explain about the service and the support that they can give you.


See a copy of the booklet here.

Please contact Victims First if you want their support:


Hate Crime Charter:


CLASP do a lot of work to raise awareness of Hate Crime. We have set up a Hate Crime Charter and are asking people to sign up to the charter to show everyone that Hate Crime has got to stop!


See a copy of the charter here.

Please contact the CLASP Office if you would like to add your signature.



Hate Crime Workshops


CLASP’s training group: Listen To Us run Hate Crime Awareness Workshops.

If you would like to have this training:

Please contact the CLASP Office on: 0118 228 1801.

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